Top free things to do in Paris


 Poate ca odata ce te gandesti la Paris iti vin in minte case de moda de lux, frantuzoaice care miros a parfum scump, grandoare si frumusete. Deci legand cuvintele cheie din prima fraza, dam o definitie Parisului : lux,scump,frumos.
Desi pare ca un turist in Paris trebuie sa cheltuie o avere pentru a vizita superbul oras, nu este asa. Poti vizita Parisul cel pitoresc fara a da nici macar un cent. 
 Top things to do for free in Paris
1. go to Versailles and visit the outstanding gardens 
2. go to Trocadero Square and have the best view of the Eiffel Tower
3.from Trocadero Square go to the Invalides and admire the beautiful architecture 
4.continue your walk through Paris and pass the Alexandre the  IIIrd bridge amazed by the Grand Palais and the Petit Palais
6. walk on Champs-Elysees and take pictures of the beautiful Arc de Triomphe
7.vizit Paris’s beautiful gardens 

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